
    The Toddler program is designed to make a child's first social interaction a positive experience. The children learn to become a member of a community away from home and focus on self-help and pre-academic skills.

    The Toddlers at Live & Learn range from 15 months to 3 years old. This is probably one of the most trying times for a child: the toddler is very egocentric, yet tries to fit into the world as we know it. At this age, children are dependent upon adults, but they feel the need to test their independence.

    Our toddler classroom is made up of 10-18 children and 3-4 teachers, depending, on the daily group size. Substitute and support teachers are visible on a regular basis and work along with the lead teachers in all areas of this program- from planning activities to discipline. We expose the children to concepts of shapes, colors and quantities and help them develop social skills. Above all, we try to instill a sense of independence and self-accomplishment in each toddler.

    Toddlers have a limited attention span and a need to explore their environment; thus, we have a less structured schedule and more "free play" than the older groups. Each day is a different experience for the children in the toddler classroom. We follow a set schedule; however, as the day progresses, we may make changes to meet classroom needs.

    Some children bring in blankets or special toys, but they remain in their cubbies except at naptime. We strongly discourage the use of pacifiers after age 2 and we do not allow bottles in the toddler classroom. Two times a year, there are formal opportunities to meet with the teachers and share your child's portfolio which is a summary of the observations, learning process and interactions seen over a four month period.

    The toddlers start their activities early; so, the later your child arrives, the more he or she will miss. Field trips leave promptly at the designated time. ALL children under the age of 6 MUST have a car seat, as required by state law, in order to participate.

    We support good nutrition in all of our programs. During lunch, we ask that children eat their sandwich, yogurt, fruit, etc. before their goodies. Any uneaten food goes back into their lunch box.

Please understand that each day is flexible and changes with activity, weather, moods, etc.

Toddler Schedule


 Drop Off

7:30-9:00 Drop-off / Large group free play / group activity
9:30 Diapers / Potty time
9:30 Morning Snack
9:45-11:30 Teacher and child directed activities: music & movement, nature walks, outside time, gym time, time indoors, multiage learning.
11:30 Diapers / Potty time
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:00-2:30 Nap/Rest Time and time spent in quiet activities for those who do not nap or who nap only a short while.
2:00-3:00 Wake-up, after nap activities, and first round of afternoon diapers / potty time.
3:00-3:30 Afternoon Snack will be served in this time frame allowing for the needs of the children to decide the exact time each day.
4:00 Fourth Round of Diapers / Potty Time
4:00-5:00 Pick Up/ Outside time / Afternoon Activity